Open access
Peer reviewed journal

Actual Gynecology
and Obstetrics

Volume 17, 2025

Publication date:
Effect of Cyclooxygenase-2 on prognosis in ovarian cancer patients
Akbar Ibrahimov, Rashad Sultan, Tugan Bese
Number of views: 722
Publication date:
Prevalence of dysmenorrhea among adult females aged 18-50 years and its effects on daily activities: a cross-sectional study in Malaysia, 2024
Thin Mon Kyaw, Roshini Devi AP Puspanathan, Akul Sharma, Sushma Sasidharan, See Thean Yee, Nur Qasih binti Azahari, Somsubhra De
Number of views: 1132
Publication date:
Transcriptomic Analysis of Uterine Endometrioid Cancer: Insights into Molecular Pathways and Gene Expression
Zuzana Ballová, Gabriel Minárik, Pavol Janega, Erik Dosedla
Number of views: 805
Publication date:
Bowel Evisceration One Year After Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: A Case Report
Zuzana Ballová, Tomáš Vasilenko, Petra Gašparová, Erik Dosedla
Number of views: 951

Volume 16, 2024

Publication date:
Botulinum Toxin Treatment of Pelvic Pain Disorders. Pharmacology, Pathophysiology and Different Recommended Dosage. Meta-analysis of Clinical Botulotoxin Trials.
Karel Hurt, Aneta Krajcova, Frantisek Zahalka, Michal Zikan
Number of views: 2121
Publication date:
The Role of Vaginal Microbiota in Women's Health
Wiktoria Paduch-Jakubczyk, Michalina Dubińska
Number of views: 3702
Publication date:
Application and clinical results of minimally invasive surgery based on pathohistological criteria in uterine cancer: A Single Center Study in a Low-income Country
Akbar Ibrahimov
Number of views: 1853
Publication date:
The Role of Folic Acid and Its Derivatives in Reproductive Health
Wiktoria Paduch-Jakubczyk, Michalina Dubińska
Number of views: 2961
Publication date:
The effect of preterm birth on maternal mental illness (article in Czech)
J. Čuková, H. Jančová, V. Lukáčová, A. Šebela, M. Koucký
Number of views: 2020
Publication date:
Myofascial Trigger Points: Understanding, Diagnosis, Management and Treatment. Pelvic pain symptoms.
Karel Hurt, Aneta Krajcova, Frantisek Zahalka
Number of views: 2972
Publication date:
Validation of the Perception of Obstetric Violence in Students Questionnaire into Turkish: Insights from Healthcare Settings
Ali Selcuk Yeniocak, Can Tercan, Emrah Dagdeviren, Burak Yucel
Number of views: 2543
Publication date:
Beware of severe dysmenorrhea: A Case of Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich Syndrome (Uterus Didelphys, Blind Hemivagina and Ipsilateral Renal Agenesis) with ovarian torsion presented with acute abdomen
Karolin Ohanoglu Cetinel, Olcay Seval
Number of views: 2313
Publication date:
Premature ovarian failure – review (article in Czech)
Martin Vosecký
Number of views: 3452
Publication date:
Anemia in pregnancy – diagnosis and management (article in Czech)
Zdeněk Laštůvka, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 9995
Publication date:
Diaphragmatic hernia in the Czech Republic: incidence, sex ratio and prenatal diagnostics (article in Czech)
Antonín Šípek, Vladimír Gregor, Antonín Šípek jr., Jan Klaschka, Marek Malý
Number of views: 3619
Publication date:
Report from the 23rd Czech-Slovak Conference of Fetal Medicine, Prague, January 2024 (article in Czech)
Hana Belošovičová, Erik Dosedla, Martin Hynek, Tomáš Kučera, Antonín Šípek jr., Jiří Vojtěch, Kateřina Macková, Marie Brejchová, Zdeněk Laštůvka, Lucie Poš, Patrik Šimják, Michal Holub, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 2733
Publication date:
Congenital hydrocephalus in the Czech Republic: incidence, sex ratio and prenatal diagnostics (article in Czech)
Antonín Šípek jr., Antonín Šípek, Vladimír Gregor, Natálie Friedová, Jan Klaschka, Marek Malý
Number of views: 4304
Publication date:
Inguinal endometriosis: a rare entity in female groin pathologies – case report
Imrich Kiss, Luboš Karásek, Pavla Svobodová
Number of views: 8030

Volume 15, 2023

Publication date:
A Case of Pregnant Woman with a Vaginal Mass in Emergency Department: Gartner's Duct Cyst
Ali Selcuk Yeniocak, Can Tercan, Emrah Dagdeviren, Aysenur Calis Ozbayram, Ozge Deniz Goymen, Merve Saya, Merve Karakaya
Number of views: 6652
Publication date:
Knowledge and supplementation of folic acid among female university students in southeastern Poland
Agnieszka Panasiuk, Kamil K. Hozyasz
Number of views: 3290
Publication date:
Spinal anomalies beyond neural tube defects (article in Czech)
Iva Mačátová, Jan Štulík, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 4194
Publication date:
Clinical and Laboratory Characteristics of Hyperprolactinemia. The place of MRI in optimal management.
Aytaj Jafarzade, Tamer M. Mungan
Number of views: 4103
Publication date:
Three dimensional power Doppler ultrasound of the lower uterine segment in early puerperium – a pilot study
Terézia Pribulová, Tomáš Rokos, Erik Kozubík, Erik Kúdela, Jana Siváková, Michaela Hrtánková, Kamil Biringer
Number of views: 3763
Publication date:
Sterilization as a form of permanent contraception (medical and legal circumstances of its use in the past and present) - article in Slovak
Andrea Erdősová, Zuzana Ballová, Petra Gašparová, Erik Dosedla
Number of views: 6591
Publication date:
Predicting Baby Gender Using the Chinese Lunar Calendar
Aytaj Jafarzade, Sveta Aghayeva, Tamer M. Mungan, Aydan Biri, Osman Ufuk Ekiz
Number of views: 13199
Publication date:
Maternal nutrition – current knowledge (article in Czech)
Zdeněk Laštůvka, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 3144
Publication date:
Cabergoline in prevention and treatment of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (article in Slovak)
Erik Dosedla, Petra Gašparová, Zuzana Ballová, Martina Sitáš, Zuzana Turcsányiová, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 3088
Publication date:
Report from the scientific symposium at the EBCOG, 19.5.2023, Krakow (article in Czech)
Zdeněk Laštůvka
Number of views: 3029
Publication date:
Genetically determined diseases of the fetus in the practice of the Department of reproductive medicine and genetics (article in Czech)
Alena Derbak, Marcel Hasch, Petra Přikrylová, Filip Berger, Jan Malimánek, Claudia Štuksová, Jana Veselíková, Pavlína Moskurová, Michela Česáková, Andrea Volfová, Vojtěch Bráborec, Jakub Horák, Petr Uher
Number of views: 3981
Publication date:
Chromosomal diagnosis of remaining twin after two to one reduction
Zdeněk Laštůvka, Antonín Šípek Jr., Zdeněk Žižka, Ivana Podlahová, Lenka Vyvadilová, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 5503
Publication date:
Impact of Obesity and Weight Management on Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Coexisting Obesity – A Brief Narrative Review
Saadia Ghafoor
Number of views: 6492
Publication date:
Prenatal neuro ultrasound and fetal MRI conformity in ventriculomegaly
Aytaj Jafarzade, Tamer Mungan, Aydan Biri
Number of views: 3844
Publication date:
Lymphocyte subpopulations in patients with ovarian endometrioma and healthy women – pilot study (article in Czech)
Lukáš Prajka, Miroslava Čedíková, Anežka Procházková, Kateřina Kabíčková, Gabriela Miklovičová, Martina Grundmanová, Magdaléna Kunová, Jan Humplík, Jiří Bouda
Number of views: 3354
Publication date:
Management of HPV-positive patients (article in Czech)
Lukáš Dostálek, Jiří Sláma
Number of views: 8475
Publication date:
Report from the 22nd Fetal Medicine Conference, Prague, January 2023 (article in Czech)
Pavel Calda
Number of views: 3185

Volume 14, 2022

Publication date:
The gut microbiota and its role in origin of endometriosis (article in Slovak)
Katarína Fiolková, Roman Fiolka, Terézia Pribulová, Michaela Hrtánková, Jana Siváková, Kamil Biringer
Number of views: 4830
Publication date:
Speech impairment after the delivery as a first sign of sclerosis multiplex
Petr Hubka
Number of views: 5683
Publication date:
Evaluation of Serum Procalcitonin, Neutrophil-lymphocyte Ratio and Platelet-lymphocyte Ratio in Pregnancies with Threatened Abortion
Sakine Merve Aydın, Aysun Tekeli Taşkömür
Number of views: 5116
Publication date:
Heterotopic pregnancy (article in Czech)
Bame Teemane, Hana Brádková, Štěpán Urbánek
Number of views: 6146
Publication date:
Survival of children born with Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, and Patau syndrome in the Czech Republic (article in Czech)
Antonín Šípek, Vladimír Gregor, Antonín Šípek jr., Jan Klaschka, Marek Malý
Number of views: 6923
Publication date:
Intravenous Dexamethasone Versus Vaginal Misoprostol in Enhancing Cervical Ripening and Labor Induction
Mohamed Mahmoud Salman, Fekria Ahmed Salama, Mina Yacoub, Marawan Elkady
Number of views: 7276
Publication date:
Is it necessary to change the approach to delivery of a fetus based on a change in the reproductive behavior of pregnant women? (article in Slovak)
Erik Dosedla, Zuzana Ballová, Zuzana Turcsányiová, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 5469
Publication date:
Group B Streptococcus (GBS) prevalence and antibiotic sensitivity of pregnant women in Liberec county (article in Czech)
Roman Čeloud, Michal Koucký, Dagmar Zemanová, Jiří Pavlásek
Number of views: 6216
Publication date:
Prenatal infections – from diagnosis to management, infectologist point of view (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Markéta Geleneky, Dita Smíšková
Number of views: 4453

Volume 13, 2021

Publication date:
miR-21 – A Novel Marker for Cervical Cancer?
Tomas Rokos, Erik Kudela, Terezia Pribulova, Erik Kozubik, Veronika Holubekova, Kamil Biringer
Number of views: 6568
Publication date:
Late inflammatory complication 20 years after filler application for breast augmentation – case report
Lukáš Větrovský, Kateřina Kiss, Imrich Kiss, Martina Veselá, Pavla Svobodová, Bohuslav Svoboda
Number of views: 8289
Publication date:
Very low incidence of infections after cesarean section with prophylactic antibiotics after cord clamping
Miroslav Gregor
Number of views: 9046
Publication date:
Recurrent Postradiation Breast Angiosarcoma with Metastasis in Contralateral Breast
Eva Kúdelová, Marek Smolár, Jaroslav Lúčan, Erik Kúdela, Ľudovít Laca
Number of views: 9529
Publication date:
COVID-19 and pregnancy (article in Czech)
Simona Mlezivová, Ladislav Machala, Dana Nováková, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 18513
Publication date:
Comparison of pregnancy outcomes in two different centers in the year 2017: Havlíčkův Brod Hospital (Havlíčkův Brod, Czech Republic) and Letsholathebe II Memorial Hospital (Maun, Botswana)
Ephraim Makgotla Keoagile Kaone Rametse
Number of views: 9932
Publication date:
Management of severe first trimester onset intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy - case report and review of literature (article in Slovak)
Marcela Ňachajová, Petra Turňová, Erik Kúdela, Zuzana Laučeková, Štefan Novysedlák, Kamil Biringer
Number of views: 9355
Publication date:
The first-trimester combined screening for preeclampsia
Denisa Vojtaššáková, Štefan Vojtaššák
Number of views: 18533
Publication date:
Choline as an essential nutrient and his role in pregnancy (article in Czech)
Simona Mlezivová, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 9705

Volume 12, 2020

Publication date:
Palliative MRI-guided intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for locally recurrent endometrial cancer
Yukihiro Hama, Etsuko Tate
Number of views: 8826
Publication date:
The Application of Antibacterial Triclosan-Coated Polyglactin 910 Suture versus Conventional Polyglactin 910 Suture in Abdominal Hysterectomy: A Comparison of Selected Postoperative Complications
Erik Dosedla, Ján Richnavský, Zuzana Turcsányiová, Zuzana Ballová, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 10738
Publication date:
A rare case of abdominal pregnancy – case report (article in Czech)
Jan Přáda, Pavel Calda, Zdeněk Žižka
Number of views: 11370
Publication date:
Urgent cerclage for membrane sac prolapse in the 2nd trimester (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Miroslav Gregor
Number of views: 7355
Publication date:
Century of changes in obstetrics (article in Czech)
Pavel Calda
Number of views: 11580
Publication date:
Contingent NIPT screening – results from centre of prenatal diagnosis GENNET 2017 – 2019 (article in Czech)
David Stejskal, Monika Koudová
Number of views: 11355
Publication date:
The use of indole-3-carbinol and its metabolite 3,3´-diindolylmethane in gynecology (article in Slovak)
Erik Dosedla, Zuzana Turcsányiová
Number of views: 14953
Publication date:
Quality of life of Czech women with genital warts (article in Czech)
Alena Rosezínová, David Školoudík
Number of views: 12279
Publication date:
Tubal ectopic pregnancy with negative histology: case report and review of the literature
Sergiu Leahomschi, Jaromír Šrámek
Number of views: 14217
Publication date:
Prediction of preterm birth – cervical length and biomarkers (article in Czech)
Miroslav Gregor
Number of views: 21277
Publication date:
Coronavirus infection in pregnancy (COVID-19). Statement of Czech society for ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology (article in Czech)
Pavel Calda, Miroslav Břešťák, Daniela Fischerová, Michal Zikán, Dagmar Smetanová, Ladislav Machala
Number of views: 22524
Publication date:
Do we want to know about incidental chromosomal findings in the fetus? (article in Czech)
Antonín Šípek jr., Vladimír Gregor, Antonín Šípek
Number of views: 12941
Publication date:
Prenatal treatment of fetal dysrhythmias (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Tereza Tesaříková, Romana Gerychová, Hana Jičínská, Jiří Navrátil, Petr Janků
Number of views: 8731
Publication date:
Vertical transmission, prophylaxis and life with HIV (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Ladislav Machala
Number of views: 8577
Publication date:
Prospective validation of noninvasive prenatal testing on whole genome level (conference abstract - article in Slovak)
M. Sekelská, M. Hýblová, M. Haršányová, D. Grochová, M. Kucharík, J. Budiš, T. Szemes, G. Minárik
Number of views: 8156
Publication date:
The use of NIPT in the defined borderline result of conventional screening according to Czech Society of Clinical Biochemistry and Czech Society of Medical Genetics and Genomics recommendations and the possibility of reimbursement in 2020 (conf. abstract)
Drahomíra Springer, Jaroslav Loucký, Vladimír Gregor, David Čutka, David Stejskal
Number of views: 9820
Publication date:
Contingency NIPT screening (results - Gennet, s.r.o. 2017-2019) - conference abstract - article in Czech
David Stejskal, et al.
Number of views: 8841
Publication date:
Human evolution and Caesarean delivery (conference abstract - article in Slovak)
Erik Dosedla, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 7768
Publication date:
What makes a pregnant woman with mastocytosis a high risk patient?
Vesna Elveđi Gašparović, Mislav Mikuš, Luka Matak, Petrana Beljan, Marko Dragić
Number of views: 15305
Publication date:
Thirty years since the identification of the gene for cystic fibrosis: penetrance analysis in rare diseases has remained an important issue in molecular diagnostics (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Milan Macek jr.
Number of views: 7325

Volume 11, 2019

Publication date:
Trends in the development of weight and length of newborns born in 1986-1990 and 2014-2018 (article in Slovak)
E. Dosedla, Z. Turcsányiová, A. Grendelová, J. Richnavský, M. Michna, P. Calda
Number of views: 15741
Publication date:
Prelabor rupture of membranes in term and its position in Robson's cesarean section classification (article in Slovak)
Jozef Záhumenský, Petra Pšenková, Jana Sládkovičová
Number of views: 11475
Publication date:
Risk Factors Analysis of Uterine Perforation during Hysteroscopic Procedures (article in Czech)
Tereza Hůlková, Tereza Blažeková, Pavlína Hobzová
Number of views: 10513
Publication date:
Shock Wave Therapy for the Treatment of Dyspareunia. Feasibility Study. (article in Czech)
Karel Hurt, František Zahálka, Michael Halaška, Ivana Rakovičová, Aneta Krajcová
Number of views: 9067
Publication date:
Investigating the Dimensions of Occupational Burnout in Hospital Staff
Fatemeh Rezaei, Samira Hedayati, Fatemeh Gholami, Fatemeh Ramezani, Fatemeh Ebadi, Elham Sorkh Savadkouhi, Farkhondeh Seyfi, Maedeh Faraji Douki
Number of views: 10319
Publication date:
Chromosomal aberrations in etiology of early reproductive failure: Analysis of 233 cases
Natálie Friedová, Romana Mihalová, Lenka Hrčková, Hana Kučerová, Nikola Kaspříková, Mimoza Janashia, Pavel Calda, Antonín Šípek jr.
Number of views: 16414
Publication date:
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for the Treatment of Vulvodynia. Feasibility Study.
Karel Hurt, Olga Švestková, Michael Halaška, Daniel Driák, Ivana Rakovičová, Martin Musálek, Aneta Krajcová
Number of views: 19327
Publication date:
Pregnancy of woman with congenital malformation of uterus - uterus septus communicans cum cervix duplex et vagina septa (article in Czech)
Daniela Krupičková
Number of views: 20677
Publication date:
Endometriosis and dyspareunia (article in Czech)
Pavel Tomeš
Number of views: 19398
Publication date:
Report from the 19th Fetal Medicine Conference, Prague, January 2019 (article in Czech)
Pavel Calda
Number of views: 9048
Publication date:
Transient myeloproliferative syndrome in newborn without Down syndrome phenotype: a unique case report
Erik Dosedla, Zuzana Turcsanyiova, Pavel Calda, Alexandra Kolenova
Number of views: 13232

Volume 10, 2018

Publication date:
Duostim protocol in the management and treatment of patients with poor ovarian response (article in Czech)
Sergiu Leahomschi
Number of views: 12849
Publication date:
Diagnostics and treatment of recurrent pregnancy loss - the new recommendation of the European society for human reproduction (article in Czech)
Martin Vosecký, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 12358
Publication date:
Complication after radiotherapy for gynecological malignancies (article in Czech)
Michal Felsinger, Vít Weinberger, Luboš Minář
Number of views: 16011
Publication date:
New opinion on the pathogenesis of ovarian carcinoma (article in Czech)
Jiří Bouda, Jiří Presl, Pavel Vlasák, Jan Kosťun, Robert Slunéčko
Number of views: 17200
Publication date:
Hereditary risk of ovarian cancer and its prophylactic measures (article in Czech)
Jiří Presl, Jiří Bouda, Pavel Vlasák, Jan Kosťun, Denis Berezovskiy
Number of views: 15765
Publication date:
The principles of the surgical treatment in ovarian cancer patients (article in Czech)
Jan Kosťun, Pavel Vlasák, Jiří Bouda, Denis Berezovskiy, Jiří Presl
Number of views: 11776
Publication date:
New trends in systemic treatment of ovarian cancer (article in Czech)
Pavel Vlasák, Jiří Bouda, Jan Kosťun, Denis Berezovskiy, Jiří Presl
Number of views: 15175
Publication date:
Placental abruption which led to an intrauterine fetal death in a fetus 33 weeks gestation (article in Czech)
Aneta Drobníková
Number of views: 41340

Volume 9, 2017

Publication date:
Classification of Caesarean Section by Urgency - Medical and Legal Aspects (article in Slovak)
E. Dosedla, K. Žiarová, L. Kalafusová, P. Calda
Number of views: 16174
Publication date:
Benefits and controversies of noninvasive prenatal screening (NIPS) of chromosomal fetal disorders (article in Czech)
Pavel Calda, Kamila Světnicová
Number of views: 17104
Publication date:
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy of cervical carcinoma in perspective of evidence-based medicine (article in Czech)
Jan Kümmel, Martin Trhlík, Robert Bučko
Number of views: 11833
Publication date:
ISUOG Vienna, September 2017 (article in Czech)
Zuzana Kokrdová
Number of views: 10299
Publication date:
Lymphoceles - frequency of occurrence, diagnosis and treatment of symptomatic cases (article in Czech)
Petra Vinklerová, Vít Weinberger
Number of views: 17449
Publication date:
Benefits of targeted sequencing in noninvasive prenatal testing (article in Czech)
Putzová Martina, Hasch Marcel, Gomolčáková Barbora, Šubrt Ivan, Michal Michal
Number of views: 15114
Publication date:
Preeclampsia screening - fact or fiction? (article in Czech)
Peter Bisták
Number of views: 20319
Publication date:
Role of ultrasound-guided biopsy in the management of pelvic tumors (article in Czech)
Pavel Vlasák, Jan Kosťun, Denis Berezovskiy, Jiří Presl, Jiří Bouda
Number of views: 13537

Volume 8, 2016

Publication date:
Failed laparoscopic sacrohysteropexy in a patient with total uterine and vaginal prolapse after delivery with major pelvic floor defect
Kamil Svabik, Jaromir Masata, Petr Hubka, Alois Martan
Number of views: 13752
Publication date:
Preeclampsia screening - fact or fiction? (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Peter Bisták
Number of views: 11109
Publication date:
Is there any change in incidence of GDM using the new thersholds? (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Tereza Šmrhová-Kovács, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 11985
Publication date:
Prenatal diagnostics of fetal tumors (conference abstract - article in Czech)
P. Vlašín, I. Tauberová, Š. Pavková, I. Grochová
Number of views: 13951
Publication date:
What interests prospective mothers? Newborn screening! (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Věra Franková
Number of views: 11760
Publication date:
Iron in pregnancy (article in Czech)
Michaela Novotná, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 54747
Publication date:
Contemporary management of abnormal invasive placenta - placenta accreta/increta/percreta (article in Czech)
Michal Koucký, Hana Vráblíková, Andrej Černý, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 22470
Publication date:
Response from authors of the article Statement on the pregnancy management with suspicion of Zika virus infection. Actual Gyn. 2016;8:26-28 (article in Czech)
Pavel Calda, Miroslav Břešták, Antonín Šípek, Ladislav Machala
Number of views: 11984
Publication date:
Comments on the article - Calda P, Břešťák M, Šípek A, Machala L. Statement on the pregnancy management with suspicion of Zika virus infection. Actual Gyn. 2016;8:26-28 (article in Czech)
Olga Džupová, Petr Kümpel, František Stejskal, Lenka Krbková
Number of views: 11868
Publication date:
Routine weighing of pregnant women at prenatal visits does not prevent any pregnancy complications (article in Czech)
Tereza Šmrhová-Kovács, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 14944
Publication date:
New biomarkers of preeclampsia – clinical impact (article in Czech)
Sergiu Leahomschi, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 27392
Publication date:
Statement on the pregnancy management with suspicion of Zika virus infection
Pavel Calda, Miroslav Břešták, Antonín Šípek, Ladislav Machala
Number of views: 21146
Publication date:
Statistical methods in medicine II. – p-value (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Martin Hynek, Jana Zvárová
Number of views: 15656
Publication date:
Management of women with severe Cesarean section scar defect (conference abstract - article in Slovak)
Erik Dosedla, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 13902
Publication date:
Screening for chromosomal fetal abnormalities: options and impact of various screeening tests (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Veronika Frisová
Number of views: 16731
Publication date:
Could the non-invasive prenatal diagnostics improve the detection rate of the Down syndrome in the Czech Republic? (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Antonín Šípek jr., Vladimír Gregor, Antonín Šípek
Number of views: 12092
Publication date:
Current Status of Down Syndrome Screening in Large Laboratories (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Jaroslav Loucký, Drahomíra Springer, David Čutka, David Stejskal
Number of views: 11030
Publication date:
Case Reports of aneuploidies of our work in relation to NIPT (conference abstract - article in Czech)
I. Marešová, S. Horáčková, J. Vávrová, F. Zembol, M. Hynek, D. Stejskal, M. Bittoová, M. Koudová
Number of views: 13791
Publication date:
Is Zika virus threatening pregnant women, or is it a coincidence and fiction?
Pavel Calda
Number of views: 23170
Publication date:
Insight into the diagnosis of orofacial clefts in the first and second trimesters (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Martin Hynek
Number of views: 11652
Publication date:
Prenatal Cardiology - ending all fetal or fatally? (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Viktor Tomek
Number of views: 10125
Publication date:
First trimester fetal neurosonogram. How are our possibilities? (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Petr Polák, Jiří Hyjánek
Number of views: 11034
Publication date:
Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease associated microRNAs are dysregulated in placental tissues affected with gestational hypertension, preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction (conference abstract)
Ilona Hromadnikova, Katerina Kotlabova, Lucie Hympanova, Ladislav Krofta
Number of views: 11816
Publication date:
Practical neuroanatomy of midline structures on US and MRI (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Martin Kočí, Blanka Prosová, Martin Kynčl, Veronika Mužíková
Number of views: 10156
Publication date:
Fetal MRI of brain at disorders of ventral induction (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Blanka Prosová, Martin Kynčl, Jiří Vojtěch, Lubomír Hašlík
Number of views: 11630
Publication date:
Supraventricular tachycardia in the early postpartum period – a case report (article in Czech)
Alena Derbak, Jaroslav Hojny, Ladislav Rychtárik, Jiří Štětka
Number of views: 17519

Volume 7, 2015

Publication date:
The Limits and Strategy of Total Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy (article in Czech)
Radek Chvátal
Number of views: 18437
Publication date:
Treatment of breakthrough pain in oncogynecology (article in Czech)
Pavlína Nosková
Number of views: 13297
Publication date:
Prenatal development, malformations and their ultrasound diagnostics (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Jan E. Jirásek
Number of views: 13588
Publication date:
Invasive prenatal examinations in noninvasive era? (conference abstract - article in Czech)
David Stejskal
Number of views: 11167
Publication date:
The morbidity associated with caesarean section - prospective cohort study (conference abstract - article in Slovak)
Erik Dosedla, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 12495
Publication date:
Standards of ultrasound diagnostics of abnormally invasive placenta (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Zdeňka Lisá, Miroslav Břešťák, Zdeněk Žižka, Michaela Novotná, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 10880
Publication date:
Placental mesenchymal dysplasia (conference abstract)
Jiri Sonek
Number of views: 12310
Publication date:
The controversy of HPV vaccination in boys and men (article in Czech)
Borek Sehnal, Jiří Sláma
Number of views: 15143
Publication date:
Methotrexate treatment of ectopic pregnancy (article in Czech)
Anna Zdeňková, Michal Fanta, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 24684
Publication date:
The use of three-dimensional transvaginal sonography for assessment of deep infiltrating endometriosis of posterior compartment (article in Slovak)
Silvia Vernerová, Róbert Dankovčík, Svetlana Jánošová, Pavel Bartoš, Martin Trhlík, Anna Šebová
Number of views: 20766
Publication date:
Caffeine and pregnancy (article in Czech)
Pavel Calda
Number of views: 27075
Publication date:
Predilection place of injuries during tape procedures due to female urinary stress incontinence (article in Czech)
Petr Hubka, Rachid El Haddad, Jaromír Mašata, Alois Martan, Kamil Švabík
Number of views: 18711
Publication date:
Important anniversaries for the surveillance of congenital anomalies (article in Czech)
Antonín Šípek jr., Vladimír Gregor, Jiří Horáček, Antonín Šípek
Number of views: 11114
Publication date:
Periparthal inversion of uterus – case report (article in Czech)
Iva Pešková
Number of views: 19371
Publication date:
NIPT and clinical genetics – point of view (conference abstract - article in Slovak)
Katarína Melišová, Michal Ondrejčák, Peter Kleskeň
Number of views: 11109
Publication date:
Prenatal diagnostics of Down syndrome in the Czech Republic. Are there any differences according to the maternal age? (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Antonín Šípek, Vladimír Gregor, Antonín Šípek jr., Ondřej Vencálek
Number of views: 11317
Publication date:
Hereditary cancer syndromes with possible occurrence in the prenatal period (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Pavlína Plevová, Dagmar Grečmalová
Number of views: 11162
Publication date:
Congenital chromosomal aberrations in the Czech Republic between 1994 and 2013 (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Vladimír Gregor, Antonín Šípek, Antonín Šípek jr.
Number of views: 10854
Publication date:
Congenital leukemia without Down syndrome (conference abstract - article in Slovak)
Erik Dosedla, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 12370
Publication date:
Present status in diagnostics and treatment of gestational diabetes (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Hana Krejčí
Number of views: 11601
Publication date:
First trimester screening of preeclampsia (conference abstract - article in Czech)
L. Hympánová, J. Vojtěch, L. Hašlík, L. Haaková, L. Krofta, A. Kestlerová, V. Novotná, J. Feyereisl
Number of views: 11091
Publication date:
RT-CGMS (real time continuous glucose monitoring system) using in the care of newborns of diabetic mothers (conference abstract - article in Czech)
K. Štechová, D. Bartášková, K. Chaloupek, I. Špálová, M. Černý
Number of views: 11438
Publication date:
Assessment of placental and maternal stress responses in patients with pregnancy related complications via monitoring of heat shock protein mRNA levels (conference abstract)
Ilona Hromadnikova, Lenka Dvorakova, Katerina Kotlabova, Andrea Kestlerova, Lucie Hympanova, Veronika Novotna, Jindrich Doucha, Ladislav Krofta
Number of views: 11940
Publication date:
First trimester screening of circulating C19MC microRNAs can predict subsequent onset of gestational hypertension (conference abstract)
Ilona Hromadnikova, Katerina Kotlabova, Lucie Hympanova, Jindrich Doucha, Ladislav Krofta
Number of views: 11855

Volume 6, 2014

Publication date:
Hemangiomas in neonates (article in Czech)
Martin Pánek
Number of views: 8037
Publication date:
Why should we accept the new international criteria for the diagnosis of gestational diabetes? (article in Czech)
Hana Krejčí, Kateřina Anderlová, Kateřina Andělová
Number of views: 7482
Publication date:
OHVIRA syndrome (Obstructed Hemivagina with Ipsilateral Renal Agenesis) – diagnostics and management (conference abstract - article in Slovak)
M. Križko jr., M. Satko, P. Papcun, M. Drábek, V. Ferianec, I. Hollý, K. Holomáň
Number of views: 7889
Publication date:
Colposcopy of the vulva and its terminology (article in Czech)
Jiří Sláma
Number of views: 8933
Publication date:
The diagnostics of the mosaic 16th chromosome - casuistry (conference abstract - article in Czech)
D. Kilijánová, M. Hynek, D. Rašková, M. Hejtmánková, D. Smetanová, V. Bečvářová, M. Trková, J. Horáček, D. Stejskal, V. Tomek
Number of views: 7903
Publication date:
Intrauterine treatment of fetal goitier (conference abstract - article in Slovak)
Vladimír Ferianec, Peter Papcun, František Grochal, Marián Križko jr., Mikuláš Redecha jr., Martin Gábor, Katarína Schenková, Karol Holomáň
Number of views: 8005
Publication date:
Nuchal translucency quality review in the first trimester of pregnancy (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Martin Hynek, Dagmar Smetanová, David Stejskal, Jana Zvárová
Number of views: 7500
Publication date:
The distribution of cell-free DNA in maternal plasma - noninvasive prenatal testing for fetal aneuploidies (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Martin Hynek, Filip Zembol, Martina Putzová, Ivona Marešová, Svatava Horáčková, David Stejskal
Number of views: 7287
Publication date:
Pathological locations of uterine pregnancies (conference abstract)
Sergiu Leahomschi, Zdeněk Žižka, Zdeňka Fartáková
Number of views: 7599
Publication date:
Information on the Meeting of the International Federation of Placenta Association, Paris 2014 (article in Czech)
Marie Jirkovská
Number of views: 8108
Publication date:
Non-standard findings during US screening of fetal birth defects (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Petr Polák, Milan Kovalčík, Marek Bilík
Number of views: 7162
Publication date:
Sonoelastographic characteristics of the Cesarean section scar 6 month after Cesarean section (conference abstract - article in Slovak)
Erik Dosedla, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 8212
Publication date:
SNP array in prenatal diagnosis of congenital defects in 2010-2013 (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Sabina Březinová, Dagmar Smetanová, Martin Hynek, Eva Hlavová, Věra Bečvářová, Marie Trková, David Stejskal
Number of views: 7473
Publication date:
Fetal oral meningocele (conference abstract - article in Slovak)
M. Gábor, V. Ferianec, P. Papcun, M. Križko jr., M. Redecha jr., Z. Čierna
Number of views: 7515
Publication date:
May a sonographic examination bring any danger to the patient? (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Ladislav Doležal
Number of views: 7383
Publication date:
Developement and disorders fosa posteriora in I. and II. trimester ultrasound screening (possibility of forecasting fetal developement) - conference abstract (article in Slovak)
Martin Ditte
Number of views: 7568
Publication date:
Prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart defects in the Czech Republic during the years 1986-2012 (article in Czech)
Viktor Tomek, Hana Jičínská, Jiří Gilík, Jan Škovránek, Jiří Navrátil, Jan Janoušek
Number of views: 8254
Publication date:
Current trends in diagnostics and treatment of trophoblastic disease (article in Czech)
F. Hron, J. Feyereisl, M. Korbel, P. Šafář
Number of views: 7996
Publication date:
Cerclage at the University Hospital Ostrava (article in Czech)
Petr Vašek, Igor Michalec
Number of views: 8526
Publication date:
Possibilities of preoperative prediction of the biological behavior of gynecological pelvic tumors (article in Czech)
Jiří Presl, Lucie Šefrhansová, Iva Sedláková, Pavel Vlasák, Jiří Bouda, Alena Bartáková, Zdeněk Novotný
Number of views: 8565
Publication date:
Comments on the case report by L. Straka - Hymenal atresia (article in Czech)
Jan Hořejší
Number of views: 7626
Publication date:
CIN 1-3 or Low-Grade and High-Grade Squamous Lesions? A cytopathologist´s view on the recent proposal of the changes in cervical precanceroses classification. (article in Czech)
Jaroslava Dušková
Number of views: 8448
Publication date:
Hymenal atresia (article in Czech)
Lukáš Straka
Number of views: 10031
Publication date:
New possibilities for prediction of preterm birth (article in Czech)
Michal Koucký, Hana Vráblíková
Number of views: 9207
Publication date:
Comments on published Canadian study by A. Miller (article in Czech)
Jan Daneš
Number of views: 7879
Publication date:
Effect of maternal obesity on pregnancy outcome and further development of the child (article in Czech)
Tereza Ulmannová, Ivana Špálová, Kateřina Štechová
Number of views: 7953
Publication date:
Classification of vulvar precancerous lesions: the pathologist´s view (article in Czech)
P. Škapa, T. Pichlík, M. Pluta, M. Halaška, H. Robová, L. Rob, R. Tachezy, J. Zámečník
Number of views: 9920
Publication date:
Indications for genetic laboratory examinations of the germline genome (article in Czech)
Jiří Šantavý, David Stejskal, Jaroslav Loucký, Ivan Šubrt, Jan Všetička, Vladimír Gregor, Milan Macek jr.
Number of views: 8491
Publication date:
Recommendations for general management of prenatal screening of congenital anomalies (article in Czech)
Jiří Šantavý, David Stejskal, Jaroslav Loucký, Ivan Šubrt, Jan Všetička, Vladimír Gregor, Milan Macek jr.
Number of views: 8460
Publication date:
Present data of mortality and neurodevelopmental outcomes of infants born at the border of viability (article in Czech)
Blanka Zlatohlávková
Number of views: 8203
Publication date:
Is there an ideal model of prenatal screening of aneuploidies?
Pavel Calda
Number of views: 9432
Publication date:
First results of the screening of preeclampsia (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Milan Macek sr., Martina Pešková, Andrea Kestlerová, Drahomíra Springer, Marek Turnovec, Radovan Vlk, Ivana Špálová, Roman Krejčí, Veronika Novotná, Jaroslav Feyereisl
Number of views: 8363
Publication date:
Final sonographic evaluation of the Cesarean section scar (conference abstract - article in Slovak)
Erik Dosedla, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 7784
Publication date:
What is the current role of ultrasound examination in the diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities? (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Veronika Frisová
Number of views: 8358
Publication date:
Non invasive prenatal testing - two years in clinical practice (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Jaroslav Loucký, Renáta Myjavcová, Michal Zemánek, Eva Loucká, Milan Kovalčík
Number of views: 8008
Publication date:
Intrauterine management of acardiac twins (conference abstract - article in Slovak)
V. Ferianec, M. Redecha jr., P. Papcun, M. Križko jr., K. Holomáň
Number of views: 7831
Publication date:
Prenatal diagnosis and intrauterine management of unique case of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome with clinical signs of Perlman syndrome (conference abstract - article in Slovak)
M. Bártová, V. Ferianec, M. Križko jr., P. Papcun, M. Redecha jr., K. Holomáň
Number of views: 8135
Publication date:
Intrauterine therapy of the fetus with chylothorax (conference abstract - article in Slovak)
Mikuláš Redecha jr., Vladimír Ferianec, Peter Papcun, Marián Križko, Martin Gábor, Karol Holomáň
Number of views: 7740
Publication date:
Tuberous sclerosis and pregnancy (conference abstract - article in Slovak)
M. Gábor, V. Ferianec, M. Križko jr., M. Redecha jr., P. Papcun, M. Bártová, K. Holomáň
Number of views: 7960
Publication date:
The occurrence of fetal microchimeric cells in endometrial tissues is very common phenomenon in benign uterine disorders and the lower prevalence of fetal microchimerism is associated with better uterine cancer prognoses (conference abstract)
Ilona Hromadnikova, Katerina Kotlabova, Petra Pirkova, Pavla Libalova, Zdenka Vernerova, Bohuslav Svoboda, Eduard Kucera
Number of views: 8094
Publication date:
PPROM: Assessment of the diagnostic potential of lipocalin-2 in pregnancies complicated by infection and inflammation (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Marie Vajrychová, Juraj Lenčo, Vojtěch Tambor, Marian Kacerovský
Number of views: 7737
Publication date:
Genetic analysis from maternal blood (article in Slovak)
Rastislav Sysák, Peter Štencl, Barbora Izrael Vlková, Katarína Greksová, Viera Oroszová, Marcel Hrebenár
Number of views: 8976

Volume 5, 2013

Publication date:
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia - CDH (analysis of clinical material from 2004-2013) (article in Slovak)
A. Gottschallová, I. Rusňák, A. Čunderlík, J. Hinšt, P. Kleskeň
Number of views: 9291
Publication date:
Magnesium supplementation in obstetrics and gynecology (article in Czech)
Pavel Calda
Number of views: 8095
Publication date:
Recommendations and guidelines for management of pregnancy complications in the first trimester (missed abortion, ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy of uknown location) (article in Czech)
Pavel Calda, Miroslav Břešťák, Daniela Fischerová
Number of views: 8701
Publication date:
Diagnosis and treatment of congenital chylothorax – 20 years of experience (article in Czech)
Alena Malkovská, Zdeněk Žižka, Andrea Pašková, Václav Sebroň, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 8463
Publication date:
Pregnancy and haemostasis (article in Slovak)
Mária Hulíková
Number of views: 9105
Publication date:
Human Papillomavirus Infections in Gynecology (article in Czech)
Alena Kubečková, Ondřej Kubeček, Jiří Špaček
Number of views: 8792
Publication date:
The benefits and limitation of modern imaging methods (CT, MRI, PET/CT) in gynecologic oncology
Andrea Burgetová, Daniela Fischerová
Number of views: 8133
Publication date:
Primary prevention of congenital anomalies and the role of folic acid
Antonín Šípek jr., Vladimír Gregor, Antonín Šípek, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 9765
Publication date:
Comments to the screening algorithm FMF 2012 (article in Czech)
Hana Belošovičová, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 10328
Publication date:
Pregnant women with multiple sclerosis at the Motol hospital Prague 2007-2011: outcomes analysis (article in Czech)
P. Hanulíková, R. Vlk, E. Meluzínová, L. Rob
Number of views: 8812
Publication date:
Assisted reproductive technology (ART) today and future possibilities (article in Czech)
Tonko Mardešić
Number of views: 8463
Publication date:
Postoperative pain treatment in gynecology (article in Czech)
Pavlína Nosková
Number of views: 10172
Publication date:
Use of boric acid during pregnancy and lactation (article in Czech)
Eva Maňáková, Lucie Hubičková Heringová
Number of views: 15430
Publication date:
Pseudomyxoma peritonei (article in Czech)
Roman Kocián
Number of views: 11626
Publication date:
Does our screening for GDM work well? (article in Czech)
Tereza Šmrhová-Kovács
Number of views: 8817
Publication date:
Non invasive prenatal testing of most frequent chromosomal aneuploidies – some other aspects (article in Czech)
Jaroslav Loucký, Michal Zemánek
Number of views: 10253
Publication date:
How to treat vulvar lichen sclerosus properly (article in Czech)
Jiří Bouda, Martin Pešek, Denisa Kacerovská, Dmitry Kazakov
Number of views: 17440

Volume 4, 2012

Publication date:
Non invasive prenatal diagnostics of most frequent chromosomal aneuploidies in the language of numbers (article in Czech)
Marie Korabečná
Number of views: 10436
Publication date:
Dysmenorrhoea: Ways of Management among Nigerian University Students
Roland Nnaemeka Okoro, Helen Malgwi, Cyprian Kingsley Ngong, Glory Ogechi Okoro
Number of views: 9416
Publication date:
Current treatment options in patients with uterine fibroids (article in Czech)
K. Kubínová, M. Mára, P. Horák, D. Kužel
Number of views: 9277
Publication date:
Non invasive prenatal testing of the most frequent chromosomal aneuploidies – from the theory to the practice
Jaroslav Loucký, Michal Zemánek
Number of views: 8618
Publication date:
Vaginal assisted deliveries at the Motol Hospital Prague 2007-2011: outcomes analysis (article in Czech)
P. Hanulíková, H. Hrubantová, R. Vlk, T. Binder
Number of views: 8948
Publication date:
Vulvodynia – a view of algesiologists (article in Czech)
Pavlína Nosková
Number of views: 10135
Publication date:
Triple test after negative contingent test, yes or no? (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Hana Belošovičová, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 9908
Publication date:
Small for gestation age fetuses with normal umbilical artery pulsatility index (conference abstract)
P. Polášková, Z. Žižka, F. Frühauf, P. Calda
Number of views: 9257
Publication date:
The most common sexual dysfunctions in fertile women (article in Czech)
Petra Vrzáčková, Jiří Sláma
Number of views: 12133
Publication date:
Current view of the Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) (article in Czech)
Michael Fanta
Number of views: 10417
Publication date:
One ventricle circulation does not always have the same prognosis (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Viktor Tomek, Václav Chaloupecký
Number of views: 9813
Publication date:
Outcome of pregnancies with abnormal biochemical screening in the first trimester (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Dagmar Smetanová, David Stejskal
Number of views: 9013
Publication date:
Fetal echocardiography - use and limitations (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Miroslav Břešťák, Viktor Tomek
Number of views: 9519
Publication date:
Antenatal fetal cyst of the tongue - diagnosis and management (conference abstract - article in Slovak)
A. Čunderlík, M. Holáň, A. Gottschallová, P. Kleskeň, I. Rusňák, K. Plank, J. Mlynarčíková, M. Jezberová, J. Andrisová, J. Čajková, M. Uherková, V. Cigel
Number of views: 9085
Publication date:
The role of ultrasound in uterine fibroids management (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Kristýna Kubínová
Number of views: 10178
Publication date:
Congress Report - 11th World Confress in Fetal Medicine 24-28 June 2012 (article in Czech)
Hana Belošovičová, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 8805
Publication date:
Congress Report – 19th Congress of Slovak Gynecological and Obstetrical Society – Slovakia 2012 (article in Slovak)
Martina Vargová, Erik Dosedla
Number of views: 10459
Publication date:
Project 35 - contribution to discussion (article in Czech)
Pavel Strnad
Number of views: 9129
Publication date:
Conservative treatment of genital endometriosis forms
Hana Hrušková
Number of views: 12351
Publication date:
T regulatory cells in cord blood of children of diabetic mothers (article in Czech)
Tereza Ulmannová, Jindra Norková, Jana Včeláková, Dagmar Bartášková, Ivana Špálová, Kateřina Štechová
Number of views: 9236
Publication date:
Anaphylaxis and its treatment in pregnancy (article in Czech)
Jan Bláha, Pavlína Nosková, Kateřina Bláhová, Ivana Kolníková
Number of views: 11146
Publication date:
Project 35 - to improve the overall survival of patients with breast cancer under 35 years (article in Czech)
Petra Tesařová
Number of views: 9236
Publication date:
Robotic assisted surgery in gynaecology - a 3 year experience of the Department of Gynaecology-Obstetrics at Masaryk Hospital in Usti nad Labem (article in Czech)
Ivo Blšťák, Marcel Vančo
Number of views: 9996
Publication date:
Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of toxoplasmosis during pregnancy (article in Czech)
Petr Kodym, Markéta Geleneky
Number of views: 12635
Publication date:
Recommendations and guidelines for routine ultrasound examinations in pregnancy (article in Czech)
Pavel Calda, Miroslav Břešťák
Number of views: 14310
Publication date:
Down syndrome screening in the first, second or both trimesters? (article in Czech)
Hana Belošovičová, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 14343
Publication date:
Modern hysteroscopy (article in Slovak)
Martina Vargová, Erik Dosedla, Ján Richnavský
Number of views: 11362
Publication date:
Cervical cancer IB1 - treatment management for women without wishing of fertility preservation (article in Czech)
Marek Pluta
Number of views: 9735

Volume 3, 2011

Publication date:
Unusual ultrasound abnormalities in our genetic department (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Peter Plevák, Marcel Hasch, František Lošan, Petr Lošan, Šárka Hadravská
Number of views: 10037
Publication date:
Insight into the quality of the nuchal translucency measurements (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Martin Hynek, Dagmar Smetanová, David Stejskal
Number of views: 9651
Publication date:
Monochorionic twins with discordant chromosomal finding (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Petr Lošan, Marcel Hasch, Peter Plevák
Number of views: 9664
Publication date:
Sonographic examination of the premaxillary triangle: how useful for diagnosis of orofacial cleft? (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Petr Polák, Marek Bilík
Number of views: 11272
Publication date:
Prenatal diagnosis of CNS anomalies (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Veronika Frisová
Number of views: 10224
Publication date:
Amniocentesis in management of PPROM (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Ivana Musilová, Marian Kacerovský
Number of views: 10183
Publication date:
Bacterial load in amniotic fluid and management of PPROM (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Marian Kacerovský, Lenka Plíšková, Ivana Musilová, Bo Jacobsson
Number of views: 9354
Publication date:
Soluble forms of TLR receptors – potentional biomarker for identification of intraamniotic infection (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Daniel Leško, Marian Kacerovský, Ivana Musilová, Eva Flídrová, Ctirad Andrýs
Number of views: 9080
Publication date:
Inflammatory response of the amniotic membranes – in vitro model (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Eva Flídrová, Marian Kacerovský, Daniel Leško, Ctirad Andrýs
Number of views: 9522
Publication date:
Quality of life in children born with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (conference abstract - article in Czech)
M. Rygl, P. Kuklová
Number of views: 9263
Publication date:
Management of pregnancies with known fetal anomaly (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Tomáš Binder, Radovan Vlk, Miloš Černý
Number of views: 9312
Publication date:
T-regulatory cells in cord blood of diabetic mothers (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Kateřina Štechová, Tereza Ulmannová, Dagmar Bartášková, Jindra Norková, Ivana Špálová
Number of views: 8664
Publication date:
Folic acid metabolism and abnormal pregnancy outcome (conference abstract - article in Czech)
Michal Koucký
Number of views: 9186
Publication date:
Reproduction genomics (conference abstract - article in Czech)
David Stejskal
Number of views: 9512
Publication date:
DNA sequencing of maternal plasma to detect Down syndrome: our participation in the international clinical validation study InFANet (conference abstract - article in Czech)
J. Loucký, M. Zemánek, R. Rychlíková, M. Macků, J. Trtková, P. Polák, E. Loucká, K. Čutka, D. Čutka, T. Nix
Number of views: 8909
Publication date:
Fetal microchimerism in endometrial cancer (conference abstract)
Ilona Hromadníková, Kateřina Kotlabová, Zdeňka Vernerová, Bohuslav Svoboda, Pavla Líbalová
Number of views: 9116
Publication date:
Placental specific microRNAs in maternal circulation and their diagnostical potential for placental insufficiency related complications (conference abstract)
Ilona Hromadníková, Kateřina Kotlabová, Jindřich Doucha, Klára Dlouhá
Number of views: 9019
Publication date:
Case report of prenatally diagnosed Edwards syndrome - contribution to discussion (article in Czech)
Blanka Zlatohlávková
Number of views: 8584
Publication date:
Sonographic visualisation of the uterus in puerperium (article in Slovak)
Erik Dosedla, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 12109
Publication date:
Viability of the fetus and newborn (article in Czech)
Blanka Zlatohlávková
Number of views: 9947
Publication date:
Ultrasound certification in obstetrics and gynecology: a three level model (article in Czech)
Pavel Calda, Miroslav Břešťák, Daniela Fischerová
Number of views: 20592
Publication date:
Sonography coupling gels - findings and recommendations in routine practice (article in Czech)
Ladislav Doležal
Number of views: 8944
Publication date:
Trends in the education of gynecologic surgeons (article in Slovak)
Miloš Mlynček
Number of views: 8815
Publication date:
Endometrial stromal tumors: current classification and principles of histopathological diagnostics (article in Czech)
Pavel Dundr
Number of views: 10325
Publication date:
Breast cancer – how reliable are preoperative investgations (article in Czech)
Dušan Kolařík, Jelena Vitalijevna Levá, Petr Křepelka, Miroslav Verner, Markéta Trnková, Hana Kolářová
Number of views: 9965
Publication date:
Case report of prenatally diagnosed Edwards syndrome – media response, professional and ethical considerations (article in Czech)
Petr Polák, Dana Kovaříková
Number of views: 10518
Publication date:
Reservation of conscience exercised by health professionals in the case of abortion (article in Czech)
Jana Lojková
Number of views: 10466
Publication date:
History of cytology (article in Czech)
Daniel Driák, Borek Sehnal
Number of views: 9819
Publication date:
Acute uterine inversion: report of three cases (article in Slovak)
Erik Dosedla, Dušan Frič, Ján Richnavský, Štefan Lukačín
Number of views: 10380

Volume 2, 2010

Publication date:
MUDr. Jozef Dosedla – pioneer of Czechoslovak gynecology and obstetrics (article in Slovak)
Erik Dosedla
Number of views: 13518
Publication date:
Eclampsia - life-threatening condition (article in Slovak)
Branislav Murín
Number of views: 11322
Publication date:
Medical care of infertile patients in the ambulance of a gynaecologist (article in Czech)
Aleš Sobek jr., Aleš Sobek
Number of views: 9261
Publication date:
Assessment of the risk for spina bifida by first trimester ultrasound scan. The role of „Dynamic MR“. (article in Czech)
Petr Polák, Simona Huspeninová, Dana Kovaříková
Number of views: 10715
Publication date:
Prenatal diagnosis of Arnold-Chiari syndrome using multi-slice view 3D/4D ultrasound and MRI
Robert Dankovcik, Eduard Kucera, Lydia Frigova, Patrik Stovcik, Anna Plichtova, Marek Dudas
Number of views: 10208
Publication date:
Intracranial translucency – an insight into the diagnosis of open spinal dysraphism in the first trimester (article in Czech)
Martin Hynek
Number of views: 12149
Publication date:
Uncertainty of the measurements in antenatal screening for Down´s syndrome
Jaroslav Loucký
Number of views: 8926
Publication date:
Implication of placenta-specific microRNAs in maternal circulation ofr diagnosis and prediction of placental insufficiency related complications (article in Czech)
Ilona Hromadníková, Kateřina Kotlabová
Number of views: 9227
Publication date:
Congress Report - 10th Conference of Czech Fetal Medicine Society, Prague, 15 January 2010 (article in Czech)
Erik Dosedla
Number of views: 9239

Volume 1, 2009

Publication date:
Congress Report - 8th FMF World Congress - Slovenia 2009 (article in Czech)
Pavel Calda
Number of views: 9605
Publication date:
Congress Report - World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG), Hamburg,13 -17 September, 2009(article in Czech)
Pavel Calda
Number of views: 9070
Publication date:
Guidelines for prevention of RhD alloimunization in pregnancy (article in Czech)
Pavel Calda, Pavel Čepický
Number of views: 10422
Publication date:
Prevention, diagnostics and treatment of alloimunization (article in Czech)
Pavel Calda
Number of views: 9128
Publication date:
Functional examination of maternal thyroid in pregnancy; our results (article in Czech)
Drahomíra Springer, Zdenka Límanová, Tomáš Zima, Pavel Calda
Number of views: 9863
Publication date:
Premature delivery (article in Czech)
Blanka Vavřinková
Number of views: 12131
Publication date:
What are the changes of indications for cesarean delivery? (article in Czech)
Taťána Lomíčková
Number of views: 9951
Publication date:
Spontaneous delivery of fetuses in breech position (article in Czech)
Zdeněk Hájek
Number of views: 11194
Publication date:
Cystitis (article in Czech)
Lukáš Horčička
Number of views: 9289
Publication date:
Approaches to prolonged gestation (article in Czech)
Tomáš Binder
Number of views: 10424
Publication date:
Efectivity of prenatal diagnostics in Czech republic (article in Czech)
Vladimír Gregor, Antonín Šípek
Number of views: 9898
Publication date:
Diferencial diagnostics of hyperactive bladder (article in Czech)
Jan Zmrhal
Number of views: 9186
Publication date:
Fetal malformations in the Czech Republic in the years 1994 - 2008: antenatal and postnatal incidence (article in Czech)
Antonín Šípek, Vladimír Gregor
Number of views: 11282
Publication date:
Screening of breast carcinoma, actual situation and perspective in Czech Republic (article in Czech)
Jan Daneš
Number of views: 9604
Publication date:
Prevention of cervical carcinoma: when can we expect impact on population data (article in Czech)
Jiří Sláma
Number of views: 9030
Publication date:
The use of modern visualization methods in diagnostics and staging of malignant tumors of reproductive organs (article in Czech)
Daniela Fischerová, Andrea Burgetová
Number of views: 11816