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Peer reviewed journal

Actual Gynecology
and Obstetrics


Predilection place of injuries during tape procedures due to female urinary stress incontinence (article in Czech)
Petr Hubka, Rachid El Haddad, Jaromír Mašata, Alois Martan, Kamil Švabík
Actual Gyn 2015, 7, 17-20
Publication date: 2015-06-03
Manuscript ID: 0614032
Počet zobrazení: 18719

This review focuses on possible complications during tape procedures carried out due to stress urinary incontinence.
The first method was retropubic tension-free vaginal tape TVT that held mainly risk of bladder perforation. Further complications previously described in literature were severe bleeding and injuries of organs in lesser pelvis like bowel or great vessels.
The next generation eliminated retropubic space by insertion through the obturator foramen. However another complication had been witnessed in presence of groin pain. Fortunately, this is usually transient and quickly passing either spontaneously or after use of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs.
The last generation of tension-free vaginal tapes are “minislings” that are inserted from a single incision and are shorter in comparison with the previous generations. The risk of use of this “minislings” is in insufficient fixation and therefore failure of the procedure.
Despite using tape procedures worldwide for more than fifteen years on regular basis, there is no method, that would be completely safe, effective and easy to handle for the surgeon.

Key words: complications, surgery, stress urinary incontinence, tape procedures