Open access
Peer reviewed journal

Actual Gynecology
and Obstetrics

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Requirements:

These Instructions conform to the generally accepted requirements for manuscripts submitted to medical and biological publications and with ČSN ISO 690/1966. The Publication process is governed by the recommendations of the International Commission of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) described in "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts (URM) Submitted to Biomedical Journals" ( and the recommendation the Council of Science Editors (CSE), promoting ethical practices in science publishing, communications in the sciences by educating authors, editors, and publishers and other related matters. (
Each submission is evaluated by the Editors and a Review Process. The reviewers will be selected by the Editor or Editorial Board. Submissions are evaluated in a double-blind reviewing process. By double-blind we mean that authors don't know who their reviewers are, and reviewers don't know who the authors are. After the publication has been accepted it is customary, under the rules, to obtain a positive recommendation by two experts in the topic. If diverging opinions exist, a third expert or the Editorial Board may cast a deciding vote. Comments by experts will be given to authors anonymously. The author will respond in three weeks. Upon receipt of expert views, the Manuscript is either accepted or rejected.
All articles ought to be original and contain information not published elsewhere. Conditionally, it is possible to publish findings which are in print of another publication or have been published in without a review (for example abstracts).

  1. The cover letter must include a statement of the author. The cover letter must attest that the manuscript represents original work, and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The cover letter should also state that all authors meet criteria for authorship and that the authors will sign a statement attesting authorship, disclosing all potential conflicts of interest, and releasing the copyright should the manuscript be acceptable for publication. All manuscript must be accompanied by a Declaration by the main author that it is an original work. It is understood that the acceptance for publication is met by approval by all participating authors, who agree with its publication. If accepted, the manuscript will not be offered for publication in a periodical in a different language, without the consent of the Publisher.
  2. Each accepted work includes a Statement transferring the Copyright to the Publisher.
  3. Potential conflict of interest for all authors should be disclosed in a separate document. “Declaration of conflicts of interests” download here

A template for the Cover letter is available here.

We follow the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines described in "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts (URM) Submitted to Biomedical Journals" ( and Council of Science Editors (CSE)  "Editorial Policy Statements" that cover the responsibilities and rights of editors of peer-reviewed journals. (
All experimental work must conform to the basics of ethical recommendations. The Section “Patients and Methods” must include the informed consent and approval by the Ethics Committee/Board. Figures, graphs, and other material taken from other source and publications could be published only with the consent of the Copyright holder. Written certificate must be included with the Article.
Authors will receive the final draft electronically in pdf format in which they may make a final correction using “Comment” function. Fundamental changes are not permitted at this stage. Corrected pages must be returned in five working days upon receipt. The Editors reserve the right to cancel the publication at any stage of the process.
If the manuscript is accepted for publication it becomes the property of the Publisher.
National Medical Library (NLK), Czech Republic by contract with the Publisher stores and archives all publications of on-line periodical. Aktuální gynekologie a porodnictví (AGP) is offered by the Library to internet users.
Type of manuscript: review article, original article, letter to the Editor-brief communication, case report

English Title:

Autors: John Smith, Anne Driscol*
Author’s affiliation:
 *Additional affiliations(s)
Mailing address: Mailing address of the author, including phone number, fax number and email address
ABSTRACT (English): maximum 250 words.
KEY WORDS English 3 – 6 words

Text in the MS-WORD format, tables can be incorporated in the text.

Original article, Review article
should not exceed 16 000 characters, including spaces (without figures and graphs). Line spacing 1,5. No underlining. Bold is allowed. Tables can be part of the text. Use the key Enter only at the end of paragraph. Max. 10 graphs or tables and 10 figures.
Case report  up to 7000 characters, including spaces, without figures and graphs. No underlining. Affiliation and Salutation „Dear Editor“ (without pictures and graphs). No underlining. Bold is allowed. Tables can be part of the text. Use the key Enter only at the end of paragraph.
Letter to the Editor – Brief Communication provides a short summary about case report or clinical observation. Up to 600 words,  max 5 references, 1 table or figure, no abstract, no key words. Information must be in a form of a letter i.e. begin with words, „Dear Editor we found out, that  …”  This format is different than Case report(see above)


transfer into a separate program (MS-PowerPoint). Each numbered graph or picture on separate page. Templates available here. Graphs must contain resource data (MS-Excel)

Plagiarism policy
Papers submitted to Actual Gynecology and Obstetrics will be screened for plagiarism using plagiarism detection tools. Papers will leading to plagiarism or self-plagiarism will be immediately rejected.

References in text are given by numbers in round brackets (1). Give maximum 20 references. Bibliography will follow the appearance in the text. Authors must type the reference numbers in the reference list individually. Automatic reference numbering software is unacceptable.

CITATION EXAMPLES  (format Medline)
1. Smith RL, Mercer BM, Meis PJ, et al. The preterm prediction study:fetal fibronectin testing and spontaneous preterm birth. Obstet Gynecol.1996;87:643-648.
2. Novak K. How to estimate relative risk in SAS for common outcomes in cohort studies. February 5, 2008.
Book chapter:
3. Kim M. Amenorrhea: primary and secondary. In: Zuspan FP, Quilligan ED, eds. Handbook of obstetrics, gynecology, and primary care. St. Louis: Mosby; 1998:3-10.

REVIEWERS: Recommend at least two reviewers (your own choice): Full name, email address

Please, send your manuscripts to:

This journal does not require article processing (APCs) or submission fees. However, if your paper receives a grant or other financial backing, we request a 200 Eur operational support fee.

Please download the form with billing information here and send at: