Open access
Peer reviewed journal

Actual Gynecology
and Obstetrics


Group B Streptococcus (GBS) prevalence and antibiotic sensitivity of pregnant women in Liberec county (article in Czech)
Roman Čeloud, Michal Koucký, Dagmar Zemanová, Jiří Pavlásek
Actual Gyn 2022, 14, 2-5
Publication date: 2022-02-11
Manuscript ID: 1422001
Počet zobrazení: 6220

Rectovaginal colonization with Group B Streptococcus (GBS) of pregnant women can lead to serious infection of woman, fetus or newborn and end up fataly. In Czech Republic every pregnant woman is screened for GBS colonization. This article aims to determine prevalence and antibiotic resistance of this bacteria. Prevalence of colonization from 2013 to 2020 was studied. Since 2019 each GBS specimen was tested to antibiotic sensitivity. Mean prevalence turned out to be 19,77%. Resistence to penicillin (ampicilin) was 0,65%, clindamycin15,52%, erythromycin 20,45% and vancomycin 0%.

Key words: Streptococcus agalactiae, GBS, resistance, prevalence, Group B Streptococcus