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Peer reviewed journal

Actual Gynecology
and Obstetrics


Do we want to know about incidental chromosomal findings in the fetus? (article in Czech)
Antonín Šípek jr., Vladimír Gregor, Antonín Šípek
Actual Gyn 2020, 12, 12-16
Publication date: 2020-02-20
Manuscript ID: 1220007
Počet zobrazení: 12945

Incidental or unexpected chromosomal aberrations detected during prenatal diagnosis pose a complication in this diagnostic process. Generally, they may be defined as findings not primarily associated with the referral, but they still require further clinical management and consultation. The “randomness” of such a finding is obviously different for cytogeneticist, medical geneticist and pregnant proband. Same chromosomal findings may be accepted differently in various scenarios.

Key words: chromosomal aberrations, prenatal diagnostics, incidental findings