Open access
Peer reviewed journal

Actual Gynecology
and Obstetrics


Quality of life of Czech women with genital warts (article in Czech)
Alena Rosezínová, David Školoudík
Actual Gyn 2020, 12, 29-39
Publication date: 2020-04-30
Manuscript ID: 1220012
Počet zobrazení: 12282

Introduction: Genital warts are the most common sexually transmitted disease that has a negative impact on the quality of life. Therefore, we decided to carry out the first study on this topic in the Czech Republic.

Objective: Using the SF-36 questionnaire to compare the quality of life between women with genital warts and women without genital warts.

Methods: Data collection took place in 2016 and 2017 at selected gynecological outpatient clinics. 60 women from the target group (with genital warts) and 66 women from the control group (healthy women) participated in the research. The measuring tools were SF-36 (Short Form-36) and CECA10 (Cuestionario Especifico en Condilomas Acuminados). Data were evaluated using some elements of descriptive statistics, two-sample Mann-Whitney U-test and chi-square.

Results: There was a statistically significant difference in most dimensions and overall SF-36 index (p < 0.05). The mean CECA4 score was 10.88 ± 4.34 and CECA6 was 18.20 ± 7.33. The overall score of the CECA10 questionnaire was 29.08 ± 9.64. Wart size, location, disease duration and relapses are factors that have a negative impact on the quality of life of women with genital warts.

Conclusions: We found that genital warts adversely affect the quality of life of a selected population of Czech women. The impact of warts is also manifested in their sexual and emotional life. The treatment of genital warts needs to be approached comprehensively. Patients should also be offered the care of a psychologist and sexologist.

Key words: genital warts, condyloma accuminata, HPV, quality of life, sex life, impact