Open access
Peer reviewed journal

Actual Gynecology
and Obstetrics


Prenatal neuro ultrasound and fetal MRI conformity in ventriculomegaly
Aytaj Jafarzade, Tamer Mungan, Aydan Biri
Actual Gyn 2023, 15, 16-20
Publication date: 2023-02-17
Manuscript ID: 1523003
Počet zobrazení: 3849

Introduction: Fetal MRI is increasingly being utilized as an auxiliary to ultrasonography (USG) in prenatal diagnosis. The purpose of this study was to assess how well MRI and ultrasonography agreed in patients of ventriculomegaly.

Material and Methods: This study was done retrospectively cross-sectional, and patients with ventriculomegaly detected by ultrasonography from the Koru Hospital in Ankara, Turkey, were included between January 1st, 2018, and January 1st, 2020. Patients who had isolated ventriculomegaly diagnosed on ultrasonography and afterwards underwent MRI were included. All cases were divided into three categories: mild, moderate, and severe. The ultrasound and MRI values were subsequently compared.

Results: Only included 47 fetal MRIs of patients with isolated ventriculomegaly and normal chromosomes in our study. There were 33 patients with mild (70.2%) and 14 patients with moderate (29.7%) ultrasonography findings. 34 patients (72.2%) had bilateral ventriculomegaly, and 13 (27.6%) had unilateral ventriculomegaly. However, MR imaging revealed that thirty-one (65.9%) of the patients had ventricular dilatation of 10-12 mm (mild), fifteen (31.9%) had dilation of 12.1-15 mm (moderate), and only one (2.1%) had dilation of more than 15 mm (severe). Furthermore, MRI was helpful in detecting abnormalities, particularly cortical development, which are not detected by ultrasonography.

Conclusion: MR imaging remains a priority, particularly in the prenatal identification of central nervous system abnormalities. In circumstances when ultrasound results are limited, we believe that MRI should be performed for ventriculomegaly categorization and patient prognosis.

Key words: MR imaging, fetal neuroultrasound, ultrasound, ventriculomegaly